2010年3月21日 星期日

ubercart 無圖片,要安裝簡潔網址


Method 2: apache2.conf

Then you have to enabled the rewrite module(mod_rewrite). You no longer have to do the:
LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so
AddModule mod_rewrite.c

It's now as easy as:
sudo a2enmod rewrite

To disable this module it's just:
sudo a2dismod rewrite

with Apache version 2, the httpd.conf has been deprecated and the new file is located at:

in this file you need to add your directory and the allow override to give access to your drupal site.
so look for a section in your apache2.conf that has Directory tags and just add another section:

<Directory /var/www/drupal_website_install>
AllowOverride all

AllowOverride all

*keep in mind that my website is in a subdirectory (drupal_website_install) and so you may need to edit the above to reflect this. By this I mean if i go into my webbrowser I need to go to http://localhost/drupal_website_install/

After you edit you apache2.conf as listed above you need to restart the server by:
/etc/init.d/apache2 reload
